Personal development in sport


Personal development has been recognised in the high ranks of international sport events as a very important component of adapting to different environments. Life skills help a person to become better not only in sport, but also prepare them for non-sport activities after their professional career.

As a project partner within the Erasmus+ Sport Program, Society Support Alliance is promoting education with special focus on skills development. Addressing the issue of facilitating positive youth development is essential for building a character of young athletes, leading ultimately to the development of their technical skills.

Within the Sport project, participants will be able to share their experience, outcomes, discuss the themes and objectives of the program. They will also be given an opportunity to add photos, videos, write articles, post other useful information and materials, so that the future participants may get to know the opportunities to apply for the upcoming projects and activities.

Personal development is something that is for all people from all walks of life, regardless of their job title or position. According to Society Support Alliance, personal development is when we as individuals take time to learn new skills that could help us in our respective lives. This could mean reading books on how to strategize or even watching a video on how to capture an audience's attention.

Personal development is when you seek to become the best version of yourself; it's for a housewife as much as it is for a CEO. The skills we gain through personal development may differ from person to person, but the outcome is the same - a highly improved individual. Unfortunately, we live in a world where mediocrity is accepted and we are too quick to become content with our lives.

By no means are we saying that contentment is a bad thing. However, it is used as a justification to not want to excel in all spheres of life. Success is not what we do compared to others, it's what we do compared to who we were made to be. Not everyone is destined to be a multimillionaire but we all have it within ourselves to excel.