Personal development chapter
Test questions for self-analysis
Self-analysis a systematic attempt by an individual to understand his or her own personality without the aid of another person.
Pomodoro technique
This technique serves to improve your concetration and focus. Getting stuff done is hard, especially if you are self-employed or need to do things for yourself that you usually put off, like paying bills. There always seems to be something else to do: a drawer that could be organized, a phone call to your sister or checking flight prices on a trip you have no intention of taking
Personal mission statement
A personal mission statement or personal philosophy is what you feel you would like to become in your life. It is an internal process and needs to come from the core of who you are. There are no right or wrong answers; defining your mission statement is just a way to put your purpose or calling into words.
Emotional intelligence self-assessment
Emotional Intelligence is our ability to be aware, understand and manage our emotions. Success in life depends as well of our EQ.
3 resources of self-awareness
Every experience brings with it the opportunity to meet people who inspire you, support you in your achievements, and will help you handcraft your future. Who are the people, resources and experiences that will influence your success? Start thinking now!
4 Ds - delete it, delegate it, do it, defer it
If you're struggling to take charge of the day, consider using a popular productivity strategy known as the four Ds of effective time management.
7 C's of communication
Whether it's writing an email, sending a report, chairing a meeting, or giving a presentation, most of your working day will likely be spent communicating. So, one of the best ways to boost your productivity is to communicate in the clearest, most effective way possible.
ABCDE method
To achieve goals and become all that you can become, you need to start controlling your time. The basic time management tool is the priority list, to do list, which is used as a permanent asset for personal management. The fact is that we can’t control “the time” but we can control ourselves. Therefore, time management requires self-discipline and self-control.
Reflective practice
Reflective Practice is a modern term, and an evolving framework, for an ancient method of selfimprovement. This practice challenging our own beliefs and values in order to see the validity of that and be open to reflect and evaluate how accurate are those beliefs and to change in order to improve your professional development.
Reflective practice self-assessment
This quick Reflective Practice assessment tool indicates how and to what degree you use Reflective Practice. The items are also a checklist of the main elements within Reflective Practice, enabling it to be effective and sustaining.
Self development plan
Personal development plan is an action plan design to improve knowledge and abilities, to establish aims and objectives (or goals) - what you want to achieve or where you want to go, in the short, medium or long-term in your career, education, relationship or for self-improvement.
Snyder hope theory
This video looks at Snyder's Hope Theory, and how it can help you achieve your goals. It also explores strategies that you can use to take a positive approach when times get tough. Hope is our belief that we can change the future for the better, or reach a desired goal. It is what keeps us moving forward when the going gets tough, and it helps us to "get back on the horse" when we fall off.
T chart
A T-Chart is used for listing two separate viewpoints of a topic. Topics can include anything that can be cleanly divided into two opposing views.