'Visualize Integration' Project Gains Support
In April 2019, Foundation Tempus published the results of the grant award procedure for mobility projects in the field of Youth (KA1), as part of General Call for Proposals. From 2019 the Republic of Serbia has the status of a Program country within the Erasmus+ program.
Conference "E+ got better - road to successful entrepreneur"
Activity No 8.
Finally, after a long time, we managed to get together and organize the Conference „E+ got better – road to successful entrepreneur“. Of course, due to the Corona virus and measures that change on a daily basis, we were not able to gather a complete consortium. Participants from Poland and Belgium attended the conference via the ZOOM platform.
But despite that, we managed to successfully organize and implement Conference as well to host 30 participants from following partner countries: Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and North Macedonia, plus 25 local participants.
Conference, was eight acitivity of project „E+ got better – road to successful entrepreneur“ and it was held in Belgrade, from 13.10.2020 – 15.10.2020., which had for aim to present all project results, achieved during the implementation of project.
As the backbone of project results, website and Toolkit „Three stages of success“ are presented. Together they represent an online learning resources for young people that support the acquisition of high-value labor market-oriented skills such as development of personal, professional and business skills.
Business plans, which were created as a result of joint work of partner organizations and their participants, who attended previous project activities, were also presented.